
Molson XXX - A to Z Blog Challenge

The Molson brewery is one of the most popular in Canada, a country known for hockey and beer. I personally don't care too much for Canadian beer, but it's mostly not terrible. Molson XXX however is disgusting. (Remember, it's my opinion, feel free to disagree). 

The whole point of XXX is that it's higher than usual in alcohol, and it seems like that was the only goal they had in mind when brewing. Taste was never a consideration. The conversation probably went something like "Let's make something with a lot of alcohol, and we'll put "XXX" on the label and people will buy it regardless of the taste." 

As a kid I watched Tom and Jerry drink from bottles that had XXX on them countless times, and they were always hammered right away, remember? The thing about Molson XXX is it's not ALL THAT high in Alcohol, only 7.3%. I can understand, even if I don't necessarily agree with, sacrificing a little taste for extra alcohol if you're goal is to get drunk. You see people doing shots all the time that don't really taste good, but it's just a shot, it's over in a second... Molson XXX is 12oz and tastes bad, so for the alcohol content, I'd rather drink one and a half of something else. 

The taste is somewhat metallic and bitter. Some say it tastes a little fishy. Lots of bready / corny flavors. Do not let this warm up at all, it'll start tasting like rubbing alcohol. This stuff pours nicely, looks like a normal pale ale with a thick foamy head, but you can smell the alcohol right away. 

Probably the best thing said about it over at BeerAdvocate was "If flavor isn't your think, but drunk is, here's your poison."

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