
Pete's Wicked Ale - A to Z Blog Challenge

Boy, I've fallen behind here agian... Two days in a row! Sorry about that. I guess it's still today, so I'm not "late" per se... Though by that logic, when it's tomorrow, it will also be "Today"...

As you can see, I don't have any beer, cause I'm over thinking everything... I'm broke at the moment. I was hoping to have something to sample here, because I haven't had a Pete's Wicked Ale in many years, and I was really looking forward to trying them...

An even bigger downer, I haven't had a beer that starts with P in as long as I can remember. (Though they do ALL END with PEE! HAR!)

I DID however find this rough cut commercial for them that never aired... Enjoy!


  1. Better late then never! lol :)
    Procrastination would be a good word for this moment... & don't feel bad, too am feeling it today. Happy "P" Day or Pee day. hahahaha

  2. I've never seen a blog all about beer! :P
    Great meeting you through the A-Z!

  3. I used to brew 4 gallons of ale a month. I miss beer and ale and porter.

  4. You're not behind. You're right there. Heck I think some people are still on K or L. You have 10 letters to go and 11 days to do it.

    We used to brew our own. Started growing our own hops last year, but needed a lesson in harvesting, so afraid the mice got them those nice little buds.

    I salute you, but not over one of my chickens!

  5. Now I have had Pete's Wicked Ale a while back. What a great blog. Beer!

  6. I hope the beer shortage gets rectified very soon. We can't have this, really! I was in our local bottle shop last night and stood staring at the massive amount of beers. I was delighted to see a few Z's that I'll try another time. Gosh I just noticed that Sharon up there is growing hops, that's keen. Cheers. Sue.

  7. It was a good effort and you did get a lot of other stuff done.

    Tossing It Out

  8. What a great video, thanks for sharing.
