
ESB by RedHook - A to Z Blog Challenge

I had a really difficult time finding a beer that started with E. I found a few online, but the packy up the street didn't have anything EXCEPT this one. It was an Ale, so I figured "how bad could it be?"

Honestly, it's not horrible. It's better than Bud, so...

It's a very hazy yellowish orange. It's citrusy. Almost no carbonation, even for an ale. Very little hops, so it's not very bitter, but a little tart. Very bready. It's 5.77%

The best thing I can say about this beer is that it's drinkable, and better than bud. I'm a little let down considering ESB stands for Extra Special Bitter, and it's hardly bitter at all.

I'm a little disappointed, I was hoping it sucked. Posts about beer that's "meh" aren't very amusing, I think. But all in all, I'd go for this at a cookout if it was there. It does taste like something that wouldn't be bad while standing outside in the hot sun after mowing the lawn or something. A burger in your hand and a pile of potato salad on your plate. ...can you tell I'm ready for the grilling weather??

I have no stories about Redhook, nor do I think I ever will if this is the kind of beer they make... But at least you got a nice little picture of it and you can admire my back-splash. My wife does wonderful work with interior design.  ...I think I'll put in a new light-switch, that one's looking a little dingy.


  1. When I read this post, my first thought was that Yuengling falls into the same category -- better than Bud is about the best one can say. My husband says they have a couple decent brews, though, and he's the one who actually drinks beer (my consumption generally being limited to a sip of whatever he's having -- mostly things he's brewed these days).

    I think the two of you would get along well -- he's a big Dogfish and IPA fan. His favorite beer that he's brewed is a black IPA. (I preferred his chocolate and vanilla stout.)

    Erin's blog

  2. Hi Erin! Thanks for stopping by again!

    Tell your husband that J is going to be a Dogfish Head brew that I've never tried, it's a Chinese brew called Château Jiahu. Looking forward to trying it tonight!

  3. That's about my opinion of that beer too... Redhook does make a decent IPA if I'm remembering correctly though...
