
Back in the Saddle Again

It's been a while since I've posted anything, and I believe the last post here was a post where I said "It's been a while since I posted anything.".

I've been conserving money, and paying a lot for oil to heat the house, etc, so my brewing hobby took a back seat.

As the black eye peas said, tonight's going to be a good night. Harpoon for the drinking, and a couple others for the tasting. :D

More to come!


  1. I saw your inquiry about the A to Z Challenge on Alex J Cavanaugh's blog. For more info click on the A to Z apple badge on his or my site and it should give you complete explanation that I hope is clear.

    I'm commenting in this blog since I thought it would be cool if someone did an A to Z post on brew brands (you know like A=Amstel, B=Busch, C=Coors, D=Dark Horse, etc.). You might be the guy.

    Think about it.

    Tossing It Out

  2. Hrm, that's definitely not a bad idea, I could probably do that with little trouble. I'd probably do it on my mattconlon.com blog though, as that's the one I'd like to get more traffic on... I think it represents who I am more than this one. Excellent idea though, and I think I understand the whole challenge now, thanks to your post. :)

  3. You know what, on second thought, the more I think about it, the more I like the idea of doing it on this blog. That way I can focus on that AND not muddy the waters of my normal (and I use the term loosely) blogging.

    I'll do it!

  4. Very cool! I've been hoping that somebody would take up on this idea cause I think it would be cool. And there are so many different beer brands and micro-brews and all it would be cool to hear about them.

    Tossing It Out

  5. I've already contacted the local packy, who has an extraordinary amount of micro and craft brews in stock. They are willing to sell me individual beers to test them. I'm hoping that I'm able to keep it to breweries, but I may have to go to brand names here and there...

    Perhaps my official catagory could be Beers / Breweries?

  6. That dual category certainly works. I envy your mission at hand. That's gonna be some enjoying blogging I'd say.

    Tossing It Out
