
#atozchallenge - Geary's Winter Ale Beer Review

Brew:  English Pale Ale
Brewer:  http://gearybrewing.com/pages/winter.php 
ABV: 6.0%
Opinion: Great Beer! 

I smell the yeast after the pour. Perhaps apples as well. Fruit, anyway.

This is perhaps the most shocked I've been during this whole A to Z beer review, and for those of you wondering, no, I didn';t start at a... I'm almost done at this point.

The flavor is butter scotch, almost entirely. There's a...no, that's it. Butterscotch. That's ALL I get. Now that I have tasted it, even the smell is butter scotch.

This has got to be the most unique beer I've had throughout this challenge, and I haven't done the IPAs yet at all... Which is my favorire of the genres... This beer was the biggest surprise so far. I like this. This is great!

The taste IS butterscotch.

I really like this beer. I have great respect for it, being something that tastes SO MUCH like something else. It even burps butterscotch.

So here's the thing about this beer... I'm totally shocked about it. It doesn't taste much like any other ale I've ever had, but... wow. Excellent ale, mostly just because it of how completely it tastes like something else. As a craft brewer, I hope that some day I can make something that takes another curious lad or lass as off guard as this took me.

Excellent beer!


  1. There are too many good beers in the world! My husband fancies himself a home brewer, so we get to try everything from OMG-pour-it-down-the-drain to make-that-again-right-now. Nice theme for the A to Z challenge--I'll check back in later!

  2. That sounds like such a great thing. My wife hates beer, which is a bummer for me.

  3. The butterscotch overtones sound special all right, I hope this ale is dry or the sweetness might be off-putting yo others.
    Happy Easter Matt.

  4. I was looking through your posts to see if there were any bad beers. They all sound good, but this one sounds the most interesting to me. Butterscotch? Okay, I try that.

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    An A to Z Co-host blog
